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Training on “Integrated Water Resources Management as a Tool for Adaptation to Climate Change” was held in Gabala.

05 August 2015 | 15:00

Training on the topic of “Integrated Water Resources Management as a Tool for Adaptation to Climate Change” was held in Gabala city on August 5. Event was jointly organized in the framework of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and “Integrating Climate Change Risks into Water and Flood Management by Vulnerable Mountainous Communities in the Greater Caucasus Region” Project of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The main objective of the mentioned project is to improve water and flood management systems in the mountainous communities of Azerbaijan, especially of the Greater Caucasus and reduce effects of overflow and flooding related to climate change. Mr. Mazahir Afandiyev, UNDP Strategic Partnership Adviser, mentioned in his speech in the meeting that establishment of integrated water and flood management consistent with climate changes of the era is essential for achieving successful results in this field and particularly noted that this training will make huge contribution across the country. Chief of State Agency for Water Resources of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Baba Azakov stated that nowadays climate change and its consequences are considered significant issues for Azerbaijan. Frequent and regular organization of such events in regions will help to educate population in this direction. It was brought to the attention that the main goal of the project is to improve water and flood management systems in the mountainous communities of Azerbaijan, especially of the Greater Caucasus and reduce effects of overflow and flooding related to climate change. During the training participants were provided information about climate change; detailed discussions were held in the direction of reduction of its effects. Representatives of State Agency for Water Resources of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Amelioration and Water Management Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, “AzerSu” OJSC, UNDP, Regional Executive Powers, international and local experts on the project participated in the training.
