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The delegation led by the mayor of Novosibirsk Province in Gabala

24 November 2013 | 16:00

The delegation led by the mayor of Novosibirsk province of Russia Gorodeskiy Vladimir Fillipovich was on trip in Gabala region. To the delegate led by the province mayor joined the deputy mayor of Novosibirsk, the head of engineering and architecture department Sergey Vladimirovich Boyarskiy, the chairman of the administrative personnel of Novosibirsk city deputies Nadejda Nikolayevna Boltenko. The delegation, met by the governing body of the region, was given the detailed information on infrastructure, social-economic indicators of the region. It was remarked that in Gabala region at present time considerable achievements were obtained almost in all fields.Very significant events, international conferences held here and increase of number of tourists year by year coming here is an evident proof for it. It was noted that the products manufactured in the industrial enterprises of the region are exported to a number of countries and it plays an important role in the economy of the region. Within framework of the trip, the delegation had an excursion to tourist sectors and health centers and pursued the production process in industrial enterprises. Expressing their satisfaction with the acquaintance with Gabala region, the delegation left Gabala city with pleasant impressions.
