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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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The event was organized dedicated to the Emergency situations and Civil defence

01 March 2014 | 16:00

On the  occasion  of  International  Civil Defence  Day, Department  of  Civil Defence  of  Civil Defence Troops  of  the  Ministry of Emergency Situations, MES North-West Regional Center and  Shamakhi Regional  Emergency Situations and Civil Defence Department  held  a ceremony  at  Full secondary school No. 4 in Gabala city  with  Gabala Region Executive Power.
At first,  the  knowledge  levels   of  pupils studying  in classes VI and X in the  field  of  emergency situation and  civil defence  were found  out.
Afterwards, the  pupils  demonstrated   composition  reflecting  the rescue  of  injured  during  the  car accident and  providing  first aid to them.
At the  end  of the  event,  the  pupils were taught  by the  military  experts the  rules  on the  use  of   a large  number  of equipments, clothing and tools  during  emergency situations
Specialists of MES  of the  Azerbaijan  Republic, responsible  employees   of region’s  education department  of  REP participated   in the event.
Events dedicated  to the  International  Civil Defence Day were  organized  in the  other  educational  institutions   of  the  region.
