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During the reception of the Minister of Youth and Sport, held in Gabala, issues concerning citizens have been resolved.

21 August 2015 | 15:00

In accordance with the instruction of the President Ilham Aliyev, heads of central executive bodies receive citizens in the regions and assist in solving their complaints on various issues. Another such reception was held on August 21 in Gabala Culture Center. Minister of Youth and Sports Azad Rahimov received the citizens of Balakan, Oguz, Gakh, Sheki, Zagatala, Ismayilli and Gabala regions and listened to their complaints and suggestions. Appeals to the Minister were mainly related to the awarding of honorary titles and sporting powers, equipping of sports stadiums, travelling to sports competitions held in the foreign countries, construction of sports facilities, improvement of the living conditions of young people, the construction of the youth center, employment, delivery of sports equipment and other issues. The reception was attended by about 30 people. Some of their concerns have been resolved on the spot, and not related to the powers of the Ministry of Youth and Sports were recorded for reports to the relevant structures. After the reception, the Minister Azad Rahimov met with the heads of departments of youth and sports, and gave them appropriate instructions on the results of the reception.
