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The "Korean Ambassador's Cup" competition on taekwondo among youth will be held in Gabala.

29 August 2015 | 03:00

Taekwondo Federation of Azerbaijan and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in our country will hold the event of "Korean Ambassador's Cup" on taekwondo among youth.The tournament, organized by the Federation together with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, will be held on September 12-13 in the Gabala Olympic Sports Complex. The competition will be attended by the athletes training in sports departments, being member of the TFA, and having some experience. Arbitrator Committee and the Organizing Committee of the TFA, the Gabala Region Department of Youth and Sports will directly supervise the tournament.The purpose of the competition is to promote and develop taekwondo in Azerbaijan and the regions, improve the activity of taekwondo branches in the country, develop the relations in the field of sports between Azerbaijan and Korea, enhance the experience of participation in the competitions and improve the skill of athletes.
