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Graduates who have received the highest scores on the entrance exams to the higher educational institutions met with the Head of Region Executive Power.

01 September 2015 | 15:00

Graduates who have received the highest scores on the entrance exams to the higher educational institutions met with the Head of Region Executive Power. The Head of Gabala Region Executive Power Mr. Sabuhi Abdullayev met with graduates obtaining the highest scores in entrance examinations on I-II-III group of specialties. The graduate of the Vandam village secondary school No. 1 Afandiyeva Khayala Ravan, who scored 700 points on the III group of specialties, a graduate of the Khamzali village upper secondary school Sirajbeyli Zohra Kamran, who scored 695 points on the I group of specialties, and a graduate of Gabala secondary school No. 1 Shirinbeyli Tarana Seymour, who scored 695 points on the IV group of specialties were invited to the meeting held at the REP. During the meeting, Khayala Afandiyeva said the Head of Region Executive Power about her admission to the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Zohra Sirajbeyli - to Qafqaz University, and Tarana Shirinbeyli - to Azerbaijan State Medical University. At the meeting, Mr. Sabuhi Abdullayev spoke about the need for education of talented, competent human resources capacity in the name of prosperity and progress of independent Azerbaijan, on the path of socio-economic rapid development, said about attention of the government to education of young people, employment, performance of their abilities and talents, wished the graduates to become worthy citizens of the country and come back to the area being the experts fluent in their profession. In conclusion, all three graduates who received the Honorary Diploma of the Gabala Region Executive Power were awarded valuable memorable gifts.
