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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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The trainings on the subject of "Strengthening of the management and leadership skills in the border structures" are carried out on Gabala.

02 September 2015 | 15:00

The Gabala started trainings on the subject of "Strengthening of the management and leadership skills in the border structures". The event was organized within the framework of the 3rd component of the project "The best coordination of the protection of the land border between Azerbaijan and Georgia", jointly implemented by the European Union, United Nations Development Programme and the State Border Service. The event was dedicated to the raising of the level of theoretical knowledge about management and leadership responsibilities of border controls, the implementation of joint activities and structural building up in this area, management methods, further improving the exchange of information in order to eliminate possible problems in organizational development and management. During the event the international experience of bilateral cooperation in this sphere was discussed, the participants held a detailed exchange of views on the effectiveness and enforcement mechanisms of this cooperation. On bilateral trainings conducted by the experts of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) from Austria, the representatives of the State Border Service of Azerbaijan Republic and the Georgian Border Police, authorized representatives of the Azerbaijani and Georgian offices of the UN Development Program spoke. The main objective of the said project, implemented jointly by the State Border Service, the United Nations Development Programme and the European Union is a positive impact on the overall security in the region, further development of the capacity of border services of the two countries for the development and application of the mechanism for coordinated actions at the land border between Azerbaijan and Georgia. The project includes the consideration of the issues such as the study and application of possibilities of coordinated operations to enhance the protection of the land boundary between the two countries, strengthen cooperation between the State Border Service and the Border Police of Georgia, preparation of training programs for border police of the two countries, the creation of modern infrastructure and high-tech equipment provision.
