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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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The meeting of organizing committee of “Tour d’Azerbaidjan-2014” International cycling tour was held in Gabala city.

18 April 2014 | 07:00

Vice-President of Azerbaijan Cycling Federation and chairman of the organizing committee of the tour Sahib Alakbararov, the authorized persons of executive powers of Shaki, Gabala, Ismailly, Gobustan and Shamakhi, the employees the police departments of these regions, road maintenance departments, Main State Traffic Police Department, the Ministry of Transport of the Republic as well as the representatives and chairmen of municipalities of the administrative territories, that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th routes of “Tour d’Azerbaidjan-2014” International cycling tour pass, participated in the meeting organized in the conference hall of “Qafqaz Riverside Hotel”. The chairman of the Organizing Committee of “Tour d’Azerbaidjan-2014” cycling race, Vice-President of Azerbaijan Cycling Federation Sahib Alakbararov delivered a speech in the meeting and provided detailed information about the “Tour d’Azerbaidjan-2014” International Cycling Tour. It was stated that “Tour d’Azerbaidjan-2014” International Cycling Tour, dedicated to the 91th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, was organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sport, National Olympic Committee and with the support of the International Cycling Union and Azerbaijan Cycling Federation.
It was brought to the attention that the first stage commenced in Baku would finish in Sumgait, while the next stage would cover Baku city and 8 districts. The total length of 5 stages is approximately 840 km. It was underlined that 6 cyclists in 25 teams of various countries around the world, overall 150 cyclists would test their skills in the “Tour d’Azerbaidjan-2014” to be organized on May 7-11. In his speech the speaker expressed that he believed the march would be spectacular, stressed that this tour was an efficient chance for young cyclists who would be the stars of world cycling in near future and also an opportunity to showcase the beauty and development of our country. It was noted that more than 500 participants from 22 countries, including the Azerbaijan, USA, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, China, Denmark, Australia, Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other foreign countries are expected to take part in cycling tour.“Synergy Baku Cycling Project” team will also participate in the cycling tour. There are 8 professional continental, 16 continental and one national team. It was reported that extensive media coverage of all the stages of “Tour d’Azerbaidjan-2014” cycling tour via local and foreign mass media, including “Eurosport” television channel was expected. “Eurosport” television channel will prepare programme for half an hour about tour after each stage, while the last stage will be broadcasted driectly to the world with 1.5 hour transmission. In the end, the views were exchanged with the authorized representatives of the relevant government agencies and local executive authorities about organizational works of “Tour d’Azerbaidjan-2014” International Cycling Tour, the events towards high level organization of the works were discussed, the tasks were assigned on elimination of existing shortcomings.
