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The office building of the Azərişıq Northwest Regional electric supply and sale department, and "Gabala" modern type substation on 35/10 kV were commissioned in the Gabala city.

20 May 2016 | 16:00

Participating in the ceremony held on this occasion, the officials of "Azərişıq" and Head of the Gabala Region Executive Power, first laid flowers at the bust of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, set in the lobby of the building and visited an exhibition dedicated to the great leader. Then the event participants familiarized themselves thoroughly with the established in the administrative building conditions. As reported, the construction of the building began in late 2015. For productive work activities of the power line's staff in, in the two-story office building, all the conditions were provided, computer equipment and Internet have been established. Given the various spheres of activity in the building, the offices for the receipt of applications and complaints of subscribers, sale, breakdown service, financial and accounting issues have been created. Along with the working offices, dining room and a relaxation room were also arranged in the building. There have also been reconstructed Power line of Northwestern RESSD and transport facility of Gabala Electric Power line; the conditions were created for car repairs in the courtyard of the new administrative building. Around the building works on landscaping were done, laying out green planting zone, ornamental trees were planted. Then, in the meeting hall of the administrative building, a meeting was held. Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Chairman of "Azərişıq" OJSC Vugar Ahmadov and director of the investment department of the joint-stock company Toghrul Rahimov informed in detail about the measures implemented in recent years in the direction of strengthening the material-technical base of electrical networks operating in some cities and regions of our country, and improvement of the working conditions of employees. In their speeches, the speakers noted that extensive investment program is planned for the Gabala district for the coming year, all planned issues will be relevant. Speaking at the meeting the Head of Executive Power of Gabala region Sabuhi Abdullayev noted that, for the Gabala region, being today on the stage of development, facilities, at the opening ceremony of which we have gathered, are of particular importance. As reported, the smooth and stable supply of electricity to the region's population, the tourism sector and modern industrial enterprises are one of the most important factors. In conclusion, the head of the REP expressed his appreciation to the structures, which have invested their labor in the construction of a new administrative building, which imparts special beauty to the city with eye pleasing architecture. The participants examined the modern type substation on 35/10 kV "Gabala" that was put into operation. As reported, the new substation, connected to the SCADA system, fully ensures the stability of the Gabala city with electricity. The electrical substation is equipped with modern equipment. At the substation, which will operate in a closed environment, all the conditions are created for security.
