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Gabala conducted a training and workshop on flood management.

28 May 2016 | 02:00

The "Qafqaz Sport" hotel of Gabala city hosted an event in connection with the project "Integrating Climate Change Risks into Water and Flood Management by Vulnerable Mountainous Communities in the Greater Caucasus Region". The workshop on "Management of floods, the impact of complications and damage to the people" was attended by the representatives of the United Nations Development Programme and the Gabala Region Executive Power, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, State Agency for Water Resources, "Azersu" OJSC, "Irrigation and Water Management of Azerbaijan" OJSC, chairpeople of municipalities, local and foreign experts. Workshop participants were provided with general information about flood management systems and adapt ways to reduce the impact of floods. Then, discussions were held to determine the mode of systems application locally. The event also presented a collection of instructions for the use of community-based early warning systems during emergencies. As reported, the workshop, jointly organized by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the UN Development Program in the framework of the project "Integrating Climate Change Risks into Water and Flood Management by Vulnerable Mountainous Communities in the Greater Caucasus Region" financed by the Global Environment Facility and the United Nations Development Programme. It was noted that the main objective of the project is to prevent damage caused by mudflows and floods, and reducing their impact through the development of databases of local institutions in Azerbaijan, improvement of the degree of involvement of local communities in the decision-making process, implementing with the government legal reforms in the field of water.
