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An event on the occasion of May 28 - Republic Day was held in the Gabala region Cultural Center.

28 May 2016 | 04:00

On the occasion of 98 anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic a round table was held in the Culture Center of Gabala region. Opening the session with the introductory speech, Head of the Gabala region Department of Culture and Tourism Nargila Gafarova informed in detail about the formation, activities and achievements of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. It was noted that the formation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in the late XIX - early XX century, which is one of the brightest pages of the annals of statehood of our people, was the logical result of the socio-political processes in our country and throughout the world, the national awakening of the people of Azerbaijan. On behalf of the participants of the event Chairman of the Gabala District YAP Youth Organization Namig Aghayev, director of the Culture Center Malik Aghayev, cultural organizer of the Culture Center Saadat Sadigova, Director of the Central Library Ramiz Mirzayev, it was brought to the attention that our people, who returned its lost independence in the late XX century, suffered great pressure in the first years, 20 percent of our lands are occupied by treacherous neighbors, about a million of our fellow citizens expelled from their native lands. It was noted that when the independence of our country faced the threat, the people got up and brought to power their savior brilliant leader Heydar Aliyev. And it is thanks to the determination and the political vision of the Great Leader, Azerbaijan's independence was preserved, irreversibility and durability were ensured. The speakers stressed that the independent Azerbaijan Republic, granted to our people by national leader Heydar Aliyev, now under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev is going through a new stage of development.
