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Educational event was held on “Elimination of illegal migration cases”.

02 June 2016 | 16:00

With joint organizational support of Gabala Region Executive Power and Shaki Regional Migration Department of the State Migration Service, an educational event was held at the assembly hall of REP in connection with elimination of statelessness, rules on use of foreign personnel, fight against illegal migration with the participation of foreigners and stateless persons living in the region, including general public, relevant state agencies, public organizations, employers, entrepreneurs, teaching staff. Opening the event, the first deputy head of region executive power Abil Aghasafov introduced employees of regional migration department to the meeting attendees, gave information about the essence of the event. Then the floor was given to Ilgar Mehdiyev, the chief of Shaki regional migration department. The speaker noted that the migration process is an integral part of a globalized world. Our country's geo-strategic position, stability, tolerance, economic development in the Republic made Azerbaijan attractive for foreigners. In recent years, Azerbaijan has become a country of transit and destination from a country of origin in terms of migration. It was noted that State Migration Service has been covered by care and attention of President Ilham Aliyev. As an example of this, attention was paid to the creation of high service level, formation of mobile management system in regional migration departments. It was noted that providing satisfaction of service applicants is one of the main priorities. It was noted that the events on regulation of migration processes on the basis of united and flexible procedures, complete elimination of difficulties in this sphere, simplification of documentation, provision of comfort of foreigners or stateless persons, efficiency improvement in protection of their rights were further expanded since the establishment of the State Migration Service. In the event employees of regional migration department gave detailed information about the services of State Migration Service implementing the powers of the single state agency on "one window" principle in the area of the regulation, management of migration processes in our country, related to the issues such as registration of foreigners and stateless persons at the location, issuing them and prolonging permissions for temporary stay, temporary and permanent residence, job, citizenship issues, determination of citizenship, determination of refugee status. The questions of interest for meeting participants were answered by employees of regional migration department. At the end, Abil Aghasafov, the first deputy head of region executive power expressed his gratitude to the management of Shaki regional migration department for conduct of educational measure and explanatory conversations on behalf of the event attendees.
