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Gabala hosted a regular meeting of the Council in the framework of cooperation between the CIS countries in the field of physical culture and sports.

09 June 2016 | 16:00

A regular meeting of the Council for Physical Culture and Sports of the parties of Agreement on cooperation in the field of physical culture and sport of the participating states of the CIS started in Gabala. The meeting, organized in "Qafqaz Sport" hotel in Gabala was attended by senior officials of the Ministries of Physical Culture and Sport of Azerbaijan, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Head of the Gabala Region Executive Power Mr. Sabuhi Abdullayev. The Council's meeting dedicated to 25th anniversary of the establishment of the CIS features discussions on preparing of common policy and work plan of the members states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in physical culture and sports field, implementation of the national strategy on physical culture and sports till 2020, as well as preparing the work plan project for 2018-2020. Opening the meeting with the introductory words, the Minister of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan Azad Rahimov greeted the participants, spoke in detail about the situation in the sport today in Azerbaijan, the state support for the development of sports, the success of our athletes in international sports competitions. The Minister said that he appreciates the importance of this meeting, which is held on the basis of an agreement signed in Minsk in May 2010 with a view to the successful continuation of cooperation in the field of sports among the former Soviet republics, the achievements of propaganda in the field of sports development in these countries, obtaining mutual benefit from best practices, supporting each other in the development of high-level athletes, increasing mass sports and, thus, improve the quality of life of people, instilling in them a normal lifestyle. Azad Rahimov said that during the meeting the issues were discussed of mutual interest to the CIS countries, and attention was paid to the elimination of the various problems faced by athletes in international competitions. The meeting discussed measures in connection with the joint fight against doping, the elimination of violence among the fans in the stands during the mass sports activities, the adoption of measures in connection with failure to hold pre-agreed matches during the football competitions, prevention of illegal activities that are contrary to international sports law. Then the Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan Ismayil Ismayilov, Deputy Minister of Sports of Russia Pavel Kolobkov, chairman of the Committee on Sports and Culture of Kazakhstan Elsiyar Kanagatov, leading specialist of the State Agency of Sport and Physical Education at the Government of Kyrgyzstan Cholponbek Samudinov, Consultant of the Devision of the CIS Executive Committee on cooperation in the field of culture, sport, tourism and youth of department of humanitarian cooperation, the general political and social problems Natalia Timchuk, as well as representatives of embassies of Belarus, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan in Azerbaijan spoke about the work done in their countries towards the development of physical culture and sports, successes achieved, noted the importance of mutual cooperation.
