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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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There is a growing interest in professional education.

13 January 2017 | 16:00

The elementary special professional education, being one of the pillars of the education system, provides the individuals involved in the socio-cultural and economic development of society, raises the possibility of their impact on the environment, directs people to master new knowledge and skills, providing them with real support in achieving sustainable development in professional activities. In recent years, as a result of the strengthening of cooperation between Ministry of Education and a number of international organizations in the field of professional education in the country, a number of important projects have been implemented for the development of professional education. As a result, the professional and technical institutions initiated works on the preparation of the competitive, taking into account the economic needs, and operational craftsmen and artisans. Today, the interest to the professional education has become widespread. As a result, a new type of professional training center, meeting German standards, is under construction in Gabala. The main phase of construction is currently nearing completion. In the next academic year it is planned to put the school into operation. The modern building will provide the establishment of new repair workshops, meeting the requirements to the specialty, for electricians, plumbers, welders, carpenters, and other professions. Besides all this, on the day before the beginning of the school year, with the direct assistance of the executive authority and with the support of the Ministry of Education and the German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) the presentation of new modular specialties created in the school was held. In the current academic year, the school opened groups on the specialties of plant-growing, animal breeding, and agricultural service with the new modular training technologies, and admission of students on budget and fee-based specialties was conducted on the following specialities: mechanic on repair and maintenance of gas appliances, internal plumber, laboratory worker of chemical and bacteriological analysis, gardener, expert on tobacco, electrician on repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, tailor. Modules for the aforementioned new specialties have been developed with the participation of German experts. The study guides on the specialities are implemented with the support of British Council, BP and the United Nations Development Fund. Currently, in accordance with the agreement concluded with the United Nations Development Fund the trainings for students and teachers of professional school are conducted by the teaching staff of Ganja ASAU. Within the next few days it is planned to send to Germany for a few days a group of students and teachers in connection with the new training modules and practice. Teaching of the lessons in accordance with the new training technology and linking the theory with practice create a great incentive for better understanding of the specialties by the students. Expansion of the reconstruction works carried out in the region, the creation of industrial enterprises and the enterprises for other purposes pave the way for the provision with the work of young, skilled and efficient staff. It should be noted that today, training in the field of agriculture is one of the most important issues raised. As a result, interest to the agricultural specialities prevailed in the current academic year. For the new school year, the Professional school of the region have been contracted to conduct an exchange of experience with "Gabala Agrar Tikinti" OJSC, "Agroleasing" LLC, "Agro Complex Gabala" LLC, Gabala Department of Irrigation Systems, Gabala Telecommunication Hub, Gabala Department of Water Utility, Gabala complex of public utility companies, "Gabaland" Entertainment Center, Gabala Canning Factory and Gabala Electric Network.
