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A conference was held titled "The state independence of Azerbaijan is eternal and irreversible!" within the "Year of Heydar Aliyev"

08 May 2023 | 17:52

On May 8, 2023, as part of declaring the year 2023 as the "Year of Heydar Aliyev" in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev, a conference titled "The state independence of Azerbaijan is eternal and irreversible!" was held with the organizational support of the Gabala Region Executive Power. First, the conference attendees expressed their deep respect for the great leader Heydar Aliyev and laid flowers at his monument. During the conference, attended by the Milli Majlis deputy, Agiya Nakhchivanli, as well as representatives of the Gabala Region Executive Power, institutions, enterprises, and organizations, intellectuals, elders and members of the general public, the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was sounded. Then the bright memory of the great leader Heydar Aliyev and the martyrs who gave their lives to liberate our lands from occupation was honored with a minute of silence. The Head of the Gabala Region Executive Power opened the event with an introductory speech. He welcomed the participants of the conference, told about the events, economic reforms carried out under the leadership of the savior of the Azerbaijani people, the great leader Heydar Aliyev, his invaluable merits in strengthening state independence, ideological principles, the course of domestic and foreign policy of the national leader. He brought to attention that the state-building concept is being successfully continued by the President Ilham Aliyev. Milli Majlis deputy, Agiya Nakhchivanli, noted that the last 34 years of the Azerbaijani people are connected with Heydar Aliyev and his ideas. She said that the great leader was the initiator of all significant events in the history of independence. She stressed the importance of preserving the legacy of the great person and passing it on to the future generations. The speakers told about the return of Heydar Aliyev to power, as requested by the Azerbaijani people that faced with the threat of losing independence, the creation of the New Azerbaijan Party, the appointment of the great leader as the chairperson of the political party, the formation of socio-political stability within a short time, and the announcement of a ceasefire.
