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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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A mobile meeting reception was held in the Dashcha village of region

05 September 2023 | 12:29

The head of the executive power of the Gabala region Sabuhi Abdullayev held a mobile reception with the residents of Dashcha village. The Head of the Republic of Azerbaijan spoke in detail about the successes achieved in our country, the measures taken to solve the social problems of the population, the construction work carried out in our region with the special attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev and upcoming tasks at the reception was attended by representatives of law enforcement agencies of the region, heads of service organizations and residents of the village. Then the villagers were listened to, some of the social problems of concern to the residents were solved on the spot, and the solution of some of them was taken under control. Citizens expressed their deep gratitude to the head of the country for the ongoing reforms in the direction of further improving the welfare of the population.
