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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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A regular meeting of the council under the Head of the Region Executive Power was held

22 June 2023 | 18:40

The next meeting of the council, held on June 22, 2023 under the leadership of the head of the Executive Power of the Gabala region, was attended by members of the council, representatives of administrative-territorial bodies, mayors, heads of departments, enterprises and organizations. “On the status of the implementation of issues raised in mobile receptions of the head of the region executive power”, “Timely and without loss completion of the 2023 grain harvesting enterprise and ensuring fire safety” and “Works performed in the field of development and mass development of sports and upcoming issues” was discussed at the meeting. The head of the Gabala Region Executive Power, Sabuhi Abdullayev, gave his recommendations on the issues under discussion, as well as on the responsibility of service organizations in approaching their work on non-working days associated with the upcoming holiday and congratulated all the participants of the event on the Day of Foundation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Holiday of Sacrifice.
