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Mobile meeting-receptions continue in villages and settlements of Gabala region

06 July 2022 | 17:29

Head of Gabala Region Executive Power Sabuhi Abdullayev held a regular mobile meeting-reception in Nohurgishlag village. The head of the REP spoke in detail about successes achieved in the socio-economic field in our country under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, in the background of those works, the special attention and care given to the regions, as well as the construction works carried out in the Gabala region, the measures carried out in the direction of solving the social problems of the population at the reception was attended by heads of Region Executive Power, law enforcement agencies, service organizations and public figures of the village. Speaking at the reception, the villagers spoke about the existing problems, put forward their proposals and expressed their gratitude to the leadership of the country for the work done in our region. Some of the issues raised by the villagers were solved on the spot, and the heads of relevant organizations were given instructions in the direction of solution of some of them. 
