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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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On December 23, 2022, a regular meeting of the council was held in the Gabala Region Executive Power on the progress in implementing the activities identified in the current year and the tasks ahead in 2023

23 December 2022 | 14:33

On December 23, 2022, a regular meeting of the council was held in the Gabala Region Executive Power on the progress in implementing the activities identified in the current year and the tasks ahead in 2023. Members of the Council, representatives of executive power, mayors, heads of law enforcement agencies, departments, enterprises and organizations took part in the meeting with the head of the Region Executive Power. The head of the Region Executive Power, Sabuhi Abdullayev, who opened the meeting of the council, informed about the preparations for the winter. It was noted that all the issues planned in the previous period have been implemented, preparations for the winter season have been completed in schools, sanatoriums, cultural and educational institutions and other organizations. The head of the REP drew attention to the fact that, creation of a normal heat supply in all social facilities of the region, including educational institutions, medical centers, kindergartens, offices and enterprises, as well as the maintenance of uninterrupted operation of the electricity, gas, water supply and road infrastructure requires great responsibility from each responsible person. Therefore, on the upcoming holidays and non-working days, service organizations are once again recommended to take a responsible approach to their work, monitor the functioning of all communications in residential areas. Then the head of the Executive Power of the Gabala region Sabuhi Abdullayev congratulated all the participants of the event on December 31 - Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year holiday.
