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Gabala Rafting Center was opened

21 June 2023 | 12:36

On June 20, 2023, the Gabala Rafting Center, which will operate under the Gabala Hospitality Group, was inaugurated. Representatives of the Regional Executive Power, the Azerbaijan Canoe and Rowing Federation, Gabala Hospitality Group, as well as the heads of law enforcement agencies, departments, enterprises and organizations of the region and mass media took part in the event. Speaking at the event, the head of the Region Executive Power, Sabuhi Abdullayev, noted that in recent years, in accordance with the "Social and Economic Development of Regions" State Program, the Gabala region, like other regions of the republic, has developed rapidly in the field of economy, socio-culture and tourism. At the same time, he emphasized that, the "Rafting" Center will give a great impetus to the development of tourism in our region and thanked everyone who contributed to the creation of such a great center on behalf of the region community. Other speakers noted that tourism is developing day by day in the country and talked about the experience of successful projects implemented to achieve the goals and objectives set in the development of tourism and expressed their deep gratitude to the President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva for the attention and care given to tourism. Then the event participants got acquainted with the Gabala Rafting Center.

