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A report conference of the Council of Elders of Gabala Region was held

17 June 2022 | 16:35

A report conference of the Council of Elders of Gabala Region was held on June 17, 2022. Participants of the conference laid flowers at the monument to national leader Heydar Aliyev, expressed their respect for the memory of the great leader. Opening the event, the head of the executive power of the region Sabuhi Abdullayev spoke about the role of elders in the public and political life of our country, the state care shown to the representatives of the older generation, and noted that there is always a great need for elders to educate young people in the spirit of loyalty to the state and the people, on the basis of far from harmful influences and healthy. Professor Vahid Novruzov, deputy chairman of the Council of Elders of the Republic, chairman of the Chamber of Auditors of the Republic of Azerbaijan spoke about the role of elders and educated persons in today's development of our state, which was founded by national leader Heydar Aliyev and successfully continued by the president of the country Mr. Ilham Aliyev and noted that the one-year activity of the Council of Elders of Gabala Region was evaluated as satisfactory. Chairman of the Council of Elders of Region Mehman Ismayilov gave information about his annual activities and forthcoming issues, emphasized that, families of martyrs and veterans are always in the spotlight in Gabala and elders are closely involved in this noble work. Elders of the region spoke about the landscaping work carried out in our country, global projects, stressing that they will continue to take an active part in public works, expressed deep gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev and first Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva for the attention and care shown to them. A group of members of the Council of Elders were awarded the honorary diploma of the executive power of the region for active participation in public affairs of the region. In the end, Nazim Mustafayev, who has been Chairman of the Council of Elders of Gabala Region for a long time, was visited by the elders because he could not participate in the event due to his health and he was awarded the honorary diploma of the Council of Elders of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
