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The head of the Executive Power of the Gabala Region Sabuhi Abdullayev, held a mobile reception with the residents of the Vandam settlement

04 October 2023 | 17:19

The head of Gabala Region Executive Power, Sabuhi Abdullayev, spoke about the successful development of our republic today, emphasizing that major construction and improvement works are being carried out in our country, particularly in the Gabala region, and that the implemented measures serve to further improve the social welfare and living standards of the population, and noted that social problems have been eliminated as a result of the extensive construction works carried out in Vandam settlement in recent years at the reception attended by the region, law enforcement agencies, heads of service organizations, and representatives of the settlement community. Then the villagers were interviewed. The residents of the village expressed their deepest gratitude to the head of the country for the improvement and construction works done in Gabala district, as well as in Vandam settlement, and for the attention and care shown to the population and expressed their suggestions. Some of the issues raised by the residents were resolved on the spot, and the resolution of others was taken under control.
