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The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan has conducted a comprehensive civil defense drill in the Gabala region

02 June 2023 | 17:21

In the period from May 31 to June 2, 2023, the comprehensive civil defense drill was held in the Gabala region on the topic "Organization of management of the civil defense bodies and forces during the response operations for large-scale emergencies" within the "Civil Defense Action Plan of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2023" led by the Main Department for Organization of Activities on Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The event participants paid respect to the national leader Heydar Aliyev and laid flowers at his monument. Representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Gabala Region Executive Power, chairpersons of emergency commissions operating under the executive authorities of the North-Western regions, and employees of organizations from Gabala region involved in the drill took part in the meeting held at the Gabala Cultural Center in connection with the comprehensive civil defense drill.

Opening the meeting with an introductory speech, the Head of the Gabala Region Executive Power Sabuhi Abdullayev told about the importance of the drill and stressed that joint activities and cooperation in the civil defense are essential to ensure the safety of the population.

In his speech, the Head of the Main Department for Organization of Activities on Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Major General Niyazi Zamanov told about the importance of civil defense during emergencies, the organization and implementation of civil defense activities, the importance of interaction between management bodies in this field, the benefits of interaction during the response operations for emergencies. Speaking about the importance of comprehensive drill organized in the Gabala region, N. Zamanov noted that since all departments, enterprises and organizations of the region, civil defense detachments, headquarters and persons responsible for the civil defense, along with the Ministry of Civil Defense, bear responsibility in ensuring civil defense, their joint actions should be organized in case of danger.

Then a comprehensive civil defense drill was launched. The purpose of the drill is to improve the mechanism of interaction and joint activities of civil defense management bodies in emergency situations, the organization and implementation of emergency rescue and other urgent work by civil defense detachments, educating the population about the behavioral safety in emergency situations, improving the knowledge and skills of participants in the field of work organization as response operations for emergencies.  

The participants also implemented the organization of interaction and management between the rescue forces of the Ministry and the regional civil defense forces during emergency rescue and other emergency operations, providing medical assistance to victims, organizing activities for the temporary relocation of the affected population from dangerous areas, restoring the critical services of the region, and emergency response activities.

A total of 354 personnel and 53 units of equipment of the Main Department for Organization of Activities on Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Fire Protection Service, Civil Defense Troops, the Special Risk Rescue Service, the Crisis Management Center, the North-Western Regional Center, and non-paramilitary civil defense detachments of the region were involved in the comprehensive drill.

