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Gabala dairy and livestock breeding complex

Dairy and livestock breeding complex with 620 head In accordance with the State program on socio-economic development of regions, “Agro Complex Gabala breeding complex” of “Gilan Holding” is formed in Vandam settlement of Gabala. Complex, established in the area of twenty-two hectares, consists of two cows and two calves farms and delivery room. National Fund for Entrepreneurship Support of the Ministry of Economic Development provided a soft loan of 14 million manats for the construction of this project. The complex has been established in close cooperation with the famous German “Delovan”, “Gruber”, “Vestvalya”, “Dea” companies. Milking room is equipped with the world’s most advanced equipment of “Karusel” type, cooling systems, and other auxiliary equipment. New technology enables separate registration of volume of milk in each cow, degree of fatness and other quality indicators. Initially, 620 head dual-purpose heifers of “Simmental” breed were purchased from Germany for complex. Additional 160 head cattle will be brought in March. Brought animals have already adapted to the local climate and will produce on average 5000-6000 liters milk with high fatness indicators per year. In order to provide the complex with feeding stuff, forage farming occupying 1554 hectares has been established in the region. Now, different forage crops have been planted in these areas. Enterprise has a special forage shop and 5 silo trenches. In addition, modern irrigation systems have been installed in the area of 200 hectares. Food supply of the complex will be provided at the expense of the work done. Moreover, apple orchard of 20 hectares was laid out and productivity per hectare is expected to reach 30-40 tons. In order to conduct planting and harvesting and provide agro-technical maintenance in agricultural land, 88 machinery and equipment were purchased from the leading European companies. That equipment is stored in parking lot consisting of 4 garages. All the processes from cutting of animals in the meat-processing factory, which is under construction, up to its packaging will be implemented by observing hygienic norms. Due to the implementation of instructions given by President Ilham Aliyev on ensuring the development of animal husbandry, the number of cows in complex will reach 2400 and the total number of animals will increase to 4800 in 2015. Thus, this complex will be one of Europe’s largest animal husbandry enterprises. Leading experts working here have passed refresher course in Holland and Germnay. Produced milk is sent to Gabala milk processing factory. Here, dairy products are manufactured under the brand name “Jalə”. At present, 80 people have been employed in the complex. 

Dairy and livestock breeding complex with 650 head Within the framework of State program on socio-economic development of regions, new production areas are put into operation in different parts of the country and consistent measures are carried out for improving the social living conditions of the people in districts and villages. Gabala Dairy and Livestock breeding complex is one of such enterprises. Total amount of the enterprise is 12,9 million manats. Soft loans of government have been used in the construction of this project as well. Soft loan of 3 million manats have been allocated by Fund for Entrepreneurship Support of the Ministry of Economic Development for the construction of complex. Conducting construction works in the complex and its equipping started at the end of 2011. The work was completely finished in February of this year. On familiarization with the enterprise, it was informed that complex consists of farms, forage farms, parking lot and other ancillary areas for milch-cows. Enterprise have been equipped with farm equipment of “BouMatic” of the USA, automatic referral and feeding systems, “Paralel” type milking equipment with a capacity of 40 cows, cooling systems and other devices. 500 headcows of “Holstein Friesian” breed with the ability to produce more than 25 liters milk per day were brought. At present, the number of milking cows has reached 660 and they got 150 calves. The number of milch-cows in the complex is expected to reach thousand in the future. It was noted that milk production is projected to be 8 thousand 500 liters per cow annually and approximately 15 tons daily in the total farm. Produced milk is sent to Gabala milk processing factory. Here the dairy products are manufactured under the brand name “Jalə”. Forage farming has been formed for the complex at the expense of cultivated areas existing in territory of Gabala region. High agricultural productivity is achieved at the expense of rotational cropping carried out by observing all agro-technical standards. Consequently, demand for food is fully paid. During familiarization with the complex, the head of state was informed that as the consequence of the project 95 people have been provided with jobs.
Some of the experts working here have passed special course in Holland for the use of applied modern technology, for feeding thoroughbred animals, breeding and feeding of animals, for closely familiarizing with terms of use of agricultural techniques and for deeper understanding of the experience of the world’s leading countries. In the future, other employees are also expected to be sent to course and seminars in order to improve practices.
