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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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The area of the region is 1550 sq. km. Population of the region was 109555 people as of January 1, 2025 Population density is 70.4 per sq. km.There are 1 urban, 3 settlement and 60 rural residential areas in the region. 15337 people or 14 percent of the population of the region live in the urban, 23226 people or 21,2 percent in the settlement, and the remaining 70992 people or 64,8 percent in the rural residential areas

Prominent persons

Abduyev Mukhtar Rzagulu

Abduyev Mukhtar Rzagulu (14.02.1926 – 16.07.1979) - a soil scientist, Doctor of agricultural sciences (1966), Professor (1971). In 1968-1979 Abduyev M.R. worked as a deputy director on scientific studies in Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of Azerbaijan SSR, as well as he worked as the head of the recultivation laboratory of the same institute. Mukhtar Rzagulu Abduyev was born in 1926 in Uchgovag village of Aghdash region. He graduated the Aghdash region secondary school № 3 in 1941 and Aghdash Pedagogical School in 1944. After graduating from the geological- geology faculty in 1951, M.Abduyev entered the postgraduate course on soil science specialty of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR and defending the thesis on “Dynamics of salinity in eastern soils of Shirvan plain” got academic degree on agricultural sciences.        
At the result of hard scientific studies, in 1955-1965 Abduyev for the first time defended a doctoral thesis on “Dealluvial formed saline soils and their melioration” (1966). In 1975 he got professor degree. M.R.Abduyev worked as a junior research worker in 1954-1956, as a senior research worker in 1956-1968 and as a deputy director on scientific studies in the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry in 1968-1979 years. 
As the member of the presidium of the Coordination Council of Soil Science and Melioration Problems of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR, M.R.Abduyev also took an active part in organization and development of scientific-research works in the republic. His main investigations are devoted to the melioration of the soil salinity. M.R.Abduyev is the first Azerbaijani Doctor of Sciences in soil melioration field.  He had studied the source, diagnostics, theoretical problems of dealluvial formed soil salinity, and meliorative improvement ways of it first time in the world.     
Fundamental monograph of the scientist in this field was published in the publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR (1968) and was highly estimated in the world. The prominent foreign scientists prof.S.V.Oprya and prof. G.Sandu published articles on the scientific essence of this work in the journals “Soil Science” of the Academy of Sciences of the former USSR and “News” of biology studies of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR. Chemical melioration (wshout with oil and petrochemical products) of heavy clayey soil by M.R.Abduyev proved to be effective for fecundity of soils and his monograph “Accelerated melioration of argillaceous saline soils” devoted to this topic was published. M.R.Abduyev has great contribution in preparation of scientific workers- PhDs and candidates of science. He delivered lectures on soil science and soil melioration in correspondence courses of Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute until 1952, then in 1959-1966 in State University of Azerbaijan, in 1966-1968 in Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute. Prof.M.Abduyev was a participant and lecturer of the “The X Congress of International Soil Scientists” held in Moscow in 1974. Prof. M.R.Abduyev is the author of 150 scientific works. Some scientific works of his have been published in foreign countries.     

Musabeyov Ibrahimbey Mehdi

(1880, Gutgashen (present Gabala) – 1942, Karaganda) – an Azerbaijan writer.
He graduated from the Gori Seminary in 1902. He worked as a teacher in Gutgashen (present Gabala), Sheki and Baki. Stories: “Blind man and his friend”, “Raza’s box”, “A kind wife”, “Naughty child’s dream”, “Enthusiasts for ignorance”, “Two friends-two ways”.
In 1916, the first Azerbaijani feature film “In the state of oil and millions” was shot based on his story of the same name. In 1980, it was filmed again under the name of “Golden abyss”. Ignorance and lack of education are severely criticized in his stories.   

Musayeva Umnisa Suleyman

(09.10.1902, Gutgashen (present Gabala) – 15.11.1974, Baki) – an ophthalmologist.
Doctor of Medicine (1936), professor (1943), Associate Member of the Academy of Science of Azerbaijan, Honored Scientist (1957). She headed the chair of eye diseases of present Azerbaijan Medical University from 1945 until her death.  Her scientific studies were mainly devoted to trachoma and glaucoma diseases, as well as to the pathology of ophthalmic nerve. She was the participant of International Congress of ophthalmologists (Brussels, 1958), the member of Soviet Peace Defending Committee (1955-1974), the member of the Committee of Soviet Women (1963-1974), the head of the Society of Azerbaijan Ophthalmologists (1957-1974). She was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (the 5th and 6th convocation) and a deputy to the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR (the 4th convocation). She was awarded with Lenin order and medals.

Gahramanov Vahid Panah

(1900, Gutgashen (present Gabala) – 1978, Baki) – a lawyer.
Doctor of Law (1950), professor (1951), Associate Member of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (1972), Honored Lawyer (1966). Public prosecutor of Nakchivan AR and national justice commissioner, the head of Executive Committee of Ordubad Regional Soviet (1929-1934), senior assistant of  public prosecutor of Azerbaijan Republic (1934-1935). He studied in All-Union Law Academy (1935-1937). In 1943-1978 (with intervals), he was the head of the chair of criminal law of Azerbaijan State University. He was awarded with Red Labor Flag order and medals.
His works: “Concept of punishment in Soviet criminal law”, “Punishment system in Soviet criminal law”, “Determination of punishment in Soviet criminal law”, “Soviet criminal law” .
Gutgashinli Ismayıl bey Nesrullah Sultan

(1806, Gutgashen (present Gabala) -1869, Shamakhi) – an Azerbaijan writer, public and military figure. He got his education in military school in Petersburg. Having served in Russian army for more than thirty years Gutgashinli was advanced up to major general rank. He retired in 1851 and worked in the office of Shamakhi province.   
He was friend with G.B.Zakir, M.F.Akhundzade and others. His story “Rashid Bey and Saadat khanum”, published in Warsaw in 1835 in French language, is devoted to love theme. This story is one of the first samples of Azerbaijan realist publishing. His notes made in 1852 during his Makah pilgrimage were published in 1967 for the first time under the name of “Safarnama.” In this narrative the information on the nature, population, and agriculture of Ganja and former Borchali region, as well as on the cities and villages of Arabia is given.

Yusif Suleymanbəy Musabeyov (1910-1970)

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Associate Member of International Academy of History of Science and Philosophy in Paris (His name is enrolled to Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia)

Jahangir Vahid Gahramanov  (1927-1995)

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honored Scientist. He was the director of the Institute of Manuscripts of Azerbaijan of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in 1972-1995. He is known as a specialist in Nasimi literary work, an Arabic philologist, a textual critic and a scientific organizer.  

Gara Mahammad Ahmadov (1928-2003)

Associate Member of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. He studied Gabala and Beylagan cities. He is the first Azerbaijani scholar who got the academic degree of Doctor of History in archeology field.  He is the author of monographs on archeology, as well as scientific and popular-scientific books. 

Majid Akhad Mardanov  (1913-1982)

Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, doctor of technical sciences, professor, honoured scientist Mejid Akhad oglu Mardanov is a distinguished specialist in the field of petrochemistry and oil refining.

Mejid Akhad oglu Mardanov was bom on the 9th of April of 1913 in Vendam village of Gabala district. In 1920 M.A.Mardanov entered the Geokchay secondary school and finished it in 1926.

In 1926-1931 he studied in the pedagogical technical school of the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic. In 1931-1934 M.A.Mardanov worked first as a teacher, then as a director of studies and director at schools of Gabala district.
In 1934 M.A.Mardanov entered the chemical faculty of the Azerbaijan State University (ASU) and graduated from it in 1939 with an honours diploma. After graduating from the university he worked as a teacher in "Analytical chemistry” faculty.
In the education period in ASU he simultaneously worked as a laboratory assistant at the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute named after M.A.Azizbekov.
In 1939 M.A.Mardanov was called up to the Soviet Army. During the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945 he participated in grave battles for Leningrad. Kareliya. Estonia. In these battles he was heavily wounded. After protracted treatment in military hospital he was demobilized from the army as the II group invalid. For the gallantry, displayed during the Great Patriotic War he was awarded with "II degree order of the Patriotic War” and medal "For the victory on Germany”.
In 1946-1948 M.A.Mardanov lived in Saratov city. In 1948 M.A.Mardanov returned back from Saratov to Baku and began to work as an engineer at the Azerbaijan Research Institute of Oil Refining named after V.V.Kuybishev (ARIOR). From 1949 he worked as a senior engineer in the laboratory of "Special fuels and additives”, from 1952 until the end of his life he was the head of this laboratory.
In 1953 M.A.Mardanov defended the candidate dissertation on: "Catalytic transformation of the polyalkylbenzenes obtained as the result of benzene alkylation by olefines”.
In the same year he received the scientific degree of candidate of chemical sciences by the USSR Higher Certification Committee resolution.
He has first established a new reaction in the field of alkylation - the transfer of alkyl groups from aromatic cycle to naphthenic rings in the presence of silica-alumina catalysts.
From 1959 M.A.Mardanov worked as the deputy director on science at reorganized Institute of Petrochemical Processes of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.
The basic trend of Mardanov’s scientific activity was devoted to the study of composition of crude oils and preparing of the technologies for obtaining of new type of jet fuels.
As a result of wide investigations, carried out by M.A.Mardanov and his collaborators for the first time in the USSR there has been worked out and applied a technology for obtaining of T-5 type of thermostable jet fuels for supersonic jet air-planes.
The fuel of the mark T-5, obtained from the oils of Azerbaijan, gave an impulse for creation and utilization of a new generation of jet air-planes.
M.A.Mardanov has laid foundations of the investigations in the field of obtaining of thermostable fuels from the crude oils of other regions.
In 1962 M.A.Mardanov defended the dissertation for the degree of doctor of technical sciences on: “Obtaining of jet fuels from the crude oils of Azerbaijan”. In 1963 by the resolution of the USSR Higher Certification Committee he received the scientific degree of doctor of technical sciences. In the same year he participated at the Symposium of the country-members of CMEA (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance), in Moscow. The symposium was devoted to the problem of “Application of hydrogenation processes in oil refining”. M.A.Mardanov made two reports on: "Improvement of quality of the middle fractions of highly-aromatized crude oils of Azerbaijan by hydrogenation” and “Expansion of diesel fuel resources at the expense of the hydrogenation of secondary refinery products”.
In 1964 by the resolution of the USSR Higher Certification Committee he was conferred a scientific title of professor on specialty “Chemical engineering of fuel and gas”.
Continuing the investigations meeting the requirements of the perspective jet fuels, M.A.Mardanov, has studied physico-chemical properties and hydrocarbon structure of the middle fractions. As a result of the investigations on the basis of distillates of low- paraffinaceous oils there has been obtained high-thermostable fuel T-6 for supersonic air-planes. Test sample of T-6 fuel has been produced in Salavat Petrochemical Integrated Plant, passed by the qualification tests and allowed to be applied in aviation engineering.
Later there has been worked out a technology for obtaining of thermostable fuel T-8V with a low-content of aromatic hydrocarbons from the oil of “Neft Dashlari”.
Test sample of T-8V fuel was produced in Petrochemical Integrated Plant of Novo-Kuybishev and passed by qualification tests with positive results.
Under M.A.Mardanov’s guidance on the basis of the mixture of Azerbaijan oils and sulphurous oils of the other regions there has been prepared a technology for obtaining of high-thermostable fuel marks of T-1G and RT.
Continuing the investigations in the field of obtaining of new types of fuels, M.A.Mardanov together with the coworkers has synthesized power-consuming carcass and spirane hydrocarbons on the basis of cyclopentadiene and methylcyclopentadiene. He has prepared a technology for obtaining of high power-capacity fuels on the basis of alkyl-derivatives of cyclic boranes, as well as penta- and decaboranes.
The utilization of the products of cyclopentadiene (co)oligomerization with styrene as a component of rocket fuels has been recommended.
For the improvement of modem jet fuels quality and obtaining of new types of perspective fuels there have been synthesized high- active catalysts on the basis of the different promoters - Co, Mo, Ni, Pt. Re, etc.
M.A.Mardanov has investigated (co)oligomerization reactions of ethylene, butadien-1,3 and styrene, aromatic hydrocarbons, cyclooctane and cyclodecene; in the presence of complexes of Ni phenol and cresol with cyclooctadiene-1,5 in the presence of KX-2 catalyst.
Under his guidance, for the first time in the former Soviet Union has been worked out a continuous technology for isolation of cyclopentadiene of high purity from liquid products of pyrolysis and implemented at semindustrial scale.
An industrial unit of the process for isolating cyclopentadiene from the pyrolysis products has been designed at the Institute of Petrochemical projects in the city of Novo-Kuybishev (Russia). For preparing this process technology M.A.Mardanov has been awarded with silver medal of the USSR Exhibition of National Economy Achievements.
M.A.Mardanov together with the collaborators obtained methylcyclopentadiene by the method of the dehydrochlorination of chloro-derivative methylcyclopentane. They purposefully investigated the synthesis of additives, increasing the exploitation quality of motor fuels.
Jointly with the employees of the Institute of Element Organic Compounds of AS of the USSR there have been synthesized and tested dicyclopentadienyl of iron (ferrocene) and cyclopentadienyltricarbonylmanganese for the automobile gasoline.
Under professor M.A.Mardanov’s guidance it has been determined that amines, obtained as a result of hydrogenation of the nitrocompounds, produced by the nitration of a-olefine oligomerization products can be used as a thermostable additive for jet fuels.
With the purpose of the prevention of the T-6 fuel mark oxidation at high temperature there have been synthesized amine compounds of mono- and diatomic phenols.
The unit TSD-80, created jointly with his collaborators, was the most perfect unit in the former Soviet Union, allowing determining thermostability and corrosion indices of reactive fuels in dynamic conditions.
Under M.A.Mardanov’s guidance there have been carried out investigations in the field of the synthesis of isopropyl-, diisopropyl- and other polyalkylbenzenes, increasing cetane numbers of diesel fuels. The effectiveness of these additives has been confirmed by motor tests.
By the nitration of thermal cracking products of pentane- amylene and kerosene fractions there have been obtained nitroolefines and nitrokerosene. It has been determined that the latter contains 2 nitro groups. The presence of these nitro groups in nitrokerosene promote to increase cetane numbers of diesel fuels.
There have been investigated biocidic properties of some compounds to prevent the deterioration of jet and diesel fuels quality in tropical conditions and the respective recommendations have been given.
Under M.A.Mardanov’s guidance there have been carried out wide investigations in the field of obtaining and testing of corrosion inhibitors. There has been worked out a synthesis of new type of corrosion inhibitor VFIK.S-82 on the basis of carbamide and ortho- phosphoric acid. This inhibitor is widely applied in the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States).
M.A.Mardanov, together with his collaborators, on the basis of organic nitrocompounds, prepared a scientific basis of antistatic additives synthesis. The antistatic additive AP-L 34-1 developed by them was successfully commercialized in Baku tyre works, Tbilisi aircraft plant and Perm engine plant.
M.A.Mardanov has carried out wide investigations in the field of preparing of new technologies for obtaining of hydraulic oil AMG- 10, used in hydraulic systems of air-planes.
M.A.Mardanov paid a big attention to training of highly- qualified personnel. He supervised 20 candidates of sciences and was a consultant of 3 doctorate dissertations. He’s an author of more than 216 scientific publications and 75 authorship certificates.
For his services to the progress of science and training of high- qualified personnel he was awarded with the title of “Honoured Scientist”, in 1968 he was elected as a corresponding member of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.
He was awarded with “Badge of Honour”, “II degree order of the Great Patriotic War” and some other medals.
M.A.Mardanov died on the 27th of September of 1982 after a long and serious illness.

Dursun Yagub  Huseynov (1915)

Doctor of Medicine, professor, Honored scientist. He is the author of many textbooks on pharmaceutics.

Elman Mammadov (1948) – a scientist.

Doctor of Chemistry, professor. He was born in Zaraghan village of Gabala region.

Alimirzayev Ashraf Oruj (1910–1981)

Hero of Socialist Labor (1966). He worked as a chairman in the collective farm “Baku worker” and the collective farm after the name of Khanlar. He was the deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR (the 5th and 6th convocations). He was awarded with Lenin order two times, with October Revolution order, as well as with medals. He had individual pension of union significance. 

Khalid Alimirza Alimirzayev – a scolar, writer (1932)

He was born in Gamarvan village of Gabala region. He defended candidacy thesis in 1964 and doctoral thesis in 1972. He is the Doctor of Philology. He is the professor of Baku State University since 1973. He is an academician of Azerbaijan National Creative Academy. He is the author of 15 monographs and more than 500 scientific-journalistic articles. His play named “Love makes live” was staged in Azerbaijan State National Theatre.   

Alimirzayev Ashraf Oruj (1910–1981)

Hero of Socialist Labor (1966). He worked as a chairman in the collective farm “Baku worker” and the collective farm after the name of Khanlar. He was the deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR (the 5th and 6th convocations). He was awarded with Lenin order two times, with October Revolution order, as well as with medals. He had individual pension of union significance. 

Tajaddin Shahdagh  (1928) – a poet

He was born in Khirkhatala village of Gabala region.
He is the author of the books “Two nests”, “Rana and birds”, “Lights-Children”, “Snow on mountains”, “Favour”, “My six hearts”, “Ibrahim’s songs”, “Gulnar”, “Arash countries”, “Love for Uzeyir, longing for Samed”, “Legend of Gabala” etc. Songs have been composed to more than 20 poems of his. He is the member of Azerbaijan Writers’ Union and Azerbaijan Journalists’ Union.

Sharif Tahirli  (1930)

He was born in Khirkhatala village of Gabala region. 
He is the author of such books as “Shikayatname”, “My grandfather was a good man”, “I have seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild”, “You are my hearth and home, Gabala”, “Allah is the heart beating in my breast, prophet is my flower”, “The mirror of my heart”. He gained readers’ love and sympathy as a poet-satirist. At present time lives in Khirkhatala village. 

Alimirzayev Khalil Oruj  (1918–1976)

Doctor of History, professor.
He was born in 1918 in Mirzabayli village of Gabala (Gutgashen) region. He entered to the faculty of history of Baku State University in 1939 and graduated it in 1948. He worked as an instructor in Central Committee of Azerbaijan Republic in 1946-1947. In 1948 graduated the postgraduate courses of the University. In 1954 he defended candidacy and in 1962 doctoral thesis. 
He is the author of 20 monographs and books. Besides it, he is the author of the article consisting of 300 printing pages. He was awarded with honorary diploma of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan. He has a number of orders and medals. He died in 1976 and was buried in the second honorary alley in Baku.  

In Gabala region

• Hero of Socialist Labour – 13 persons
• National Hero  – 1 person
• Honored scientist -4 persons
• Honored lawyer -1 person
• Honored doctor – 3 persons 
• Honored teacher  – 16 persons
• Honored artist -1 person
• Honored cultural worker  – 3 persons
• Honored builder - 1 person
• Honored economist  – 1 person
• Honored engineer -2 persons
• Honored veterinarian – 1 person
• Tobacco master – 2 persons
• Honored journalist  – 6 persons
• Candidate of science -180 persons
• Active member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan  – 1 person
• Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan  – 4 persons

